Chapter 14


Have you ever thought about why the “z” is used as a representation for sleeping? No, I’m sure not.  Only people with Wayyyy to much time on their hands, think about stupid shit like that.  I question a lot of things now a days. Like why is grass green?  Why was my number 2 pencil in school yellow? And so forth.  Why do things happen for a reason?  Well, that is for another blog and another day.

I did what we all do when we do not know something…I went to the Google.  Whether or not this is true I have no idea, but this what the world wide web had to say:  Zzz is an onomatopoeic representation of snoring. It was commonly used in media where sound effects were not an option, notably in comic books. That’s where it got its association with sleeping, even though it wasn’t the only device used to symbolize snoring.”  The more you know!  Is it true?  No F’ing clue.  That is just a copy and paste I did.   So, believe it if you want to, kind of makes sense to me.  Isn’t it great how we can be so lazy, to right click a mouse highlight something we like, left click, hit copy, and go to new document right click and paste?  Wellha. Just like that I think I got my answer, or did I?  I have had to use it for music lyrics in previous blogs.  While I know the songs very well, I cannot remember every word in every verse.  Sometimes because I just heard the music and loved it.  Other times because I did not pay attention.

What do you remember?  Was it your first car, love, or home?  Did you question why it all happened; I really never did.  It was what it was.  I didn’t have a say in my first house my parents bought.  Actually, they built it from the ground up.  A white ranch with a basement and a fire engine red door and black shutters.  Two maples in the front yard evenly separated, it was home for a while.  And yes, the grass was green.

“The grass is not always greener on the other side” A phrase you here often when contemplating a new job, new spouse etc.  But it (grass) is green right? Only the dog on the other side of the fence may have had to pee a little more than your dog in THAT yard opposed to the one you currently own.  What is it that makes us look for change?  WHY CAN WE NOT BE SATISFIED by what we have?  My 2-cents because we sometimes all want what others have.

As I look out my office window and I see people walking, running, and enjoying the outside. I think to myself does that person know how lucky they are?  They do it effortlessly and it makes me mad not for them but me. I can do none of that anymore.  Hell, it is a struggle to take out the garbage, water the plants outside or even mow the grass, which I no longer do.  My wife who now has taken over mowing duties does her best to make those lines I love, but again we have a boat load of weeds, so it looks good for two days and then no more lines…but the grass/weeds are still green.  And it makes me happy that she is willing to take on that chore that I can no longer do.  This isn’t a woe is me!  I am just bummed that I am losing my ability to do the things I did on a frequent basis without a care in the world and you know what?  I TOOK IT FOR GRANTED. I did not pay attention.

You have an opportunity to do something today some of us can no longer do.  Live every day with an appreciation and like Tim Mcgraw said, “Live like you where dying” < Didn’t have to copy and paste that ;).  Now excuse me while I go catch some Z’s.

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