Chapter 41


The game show ‘Jeopardy!’ with a combination of answers and “What is, what are etc…” for the contestants to collect money was and still is featured Monday through Friday at 7:30 PM eastern time. One of the best, (or at least before streaming/DVRs happened) times to be on the rectangular thing that takes you away from your 9 to 5. ‘Primetime!’

“I WILL take $200 Alex!”  Me, I was and still am to this day too damn dumb to watch the show, but millions do. And it is wildly popular still to this day even in Alex’s passing. But let’s go back to when he (Alex) was still alive hosting the show and the answers he asked. The three contestants; all had the ability to click the button; buzz and chime in with the correct question.

With $200 being the easiest one on the board as they (contestants) assented to $1000. OF course, the person choosing the category would/should almost always start with the easy one on the board. Ten times out of ten they would always get it ($200) correct. Asking the easy ones first was the best way to score some money and then work their way down the columns, ‘The category was types of ‘GRAPES.’

Alex responded by asking “This type of grape is used to create this jelly so that it can make this perfect combination?” The more than obvious answer had to be Concord to make grape jelly.

The contestant answered, “what is Concord.” CORRECT, Alex said. The contestant knew it thinking the answer was more than obvious as it (Grape Jelly) goes with peanut butter, add squishy white bread and ‘Holy Toledo’ what a combination you would have!

My answer would have also been Concord as well. Maybe I am not as dumb at this game show as I thought. But not because of the sandwich (would I think of it as well) but that in which you make meatballs. Those small little appetizers served at gatherings amongst GOOD friends.

Meatballs?  Seriously? YES! While PB&J sandwiches are amazing especially If you are combining it with JIF peanut butter.

Grape jelly is the perfect combo, beyond the perfect combination for some other things as well.

You pull the cooking device out of the cabinet, plug it into the electrical outlet the lights come on in the morning. Add in the frozen meatballs, to the crockpot add in your ‘secret sauce’ and let it simmer for 8+ hours as you await your guests to arrive for a night of fellowship and laughs.

Natalie, never told me what was in the recipe, you know the ‘secret sauce!’ I didn’t care as they (meatballs) were so damn good. I more than likely ate all of them as they were served at the gathering. The keg was also fun too, but nothing like those meatballs.

That was until her husband told me the ‘secret’ ingredient. GRAPE JELLY. You shitting me? Unlike that of the Jeopardy! Contestant whom the first thing that came to his/her mind was a good old fashioned PB&J. Seriously?

I always thought those little cocktails cooked in spaghetti sauce with maybe a few other things. But not grape jelly? Well, it caused me to pause at first. But then, I did not care as I came to the realization, they were good, ‘Out of this world good.’ I made my decision in maybe two point two seconds that I was going back for more. Who the hell cared If they had a different ingredient than what I presumed. I ate them all as they were delicious. And I loved her and that wonderful appetizer. Who cared what was in it. And no one, I mean no one to this day has made them any better.

Just goes to show you. Who cares what is in something. If you like it, you like it. Do we all live like this? Or are we prejudice to assume of, or make a prior judgment in every situation like this and that, that we just so happen to know everything? Do you go back for seconds, or do you pretend it does exist in the ingredients and not go back for more? My ingredients are a mess, but you know what, I am going back for seconds regardless of what’s inside.

Now if you will go excuse me, while I go back to see what the correct question is to “Types of GRAPES” for $1000 and inevitably get it wrong. But I will no longer discount the fact that I or presume to be naïve enough to assume everything I know to be true. I just want to know if I like it, whether it be a person/food or whatever strikes your ‘fancy.’ I will no longer make a judgement. And YES, I got the ($1000) question wrong, am I going back for seconds? Yes, yes, I am. Her meatballs were PRIMETIME! And she was one of the nicest and most kind people on Mother Earth. I only wish I could go back for seconds this time around.

2 responses to “Chapter 41”

  1. Your posts are awesome. This one made me laugh and cry at the same time.


    1. 100 percent true buddy. So glad you liked it. I proofread it 60 times at 5am. She was an amazing lady


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