Chapter 48


The human body is filled with percentage wise the same amount of our earth, in which we live. Water. So, is there a reason to explain why when we cry, a little bit of water comes out or a lot? I guess it depends on the circumstances you are living in or experiencing at the time.

I am terrified at times, and I am lonely and pretty much depressed. So, I cry. A lot. Living with this shit SUCKS. I know I have a buffet of friends who will come to my aid, and they are only a text away. But they live busy lives, and I do not want them to drop their plans to come and just chat. YET THEY WOULD!

When I feel sad and down THIS; writing is my outlet. Does it make the troubles go away? Nope. Not even at 3am when my walls close in and my dreams are exposed to new ideas. Honestly this (chapter 48) blog is depressing me! But I will and always be honest for whomever gets the opportunity to read this. Do I want to believe some dumb blog is going to make it all go away?

Set me free! We all have a beginning and an end. Will you know the answer to that time when your chapter is closing? For me I made it to CHAPTER 48!

All the words and prayers sound the same anymore, and while I appreciate the heck out of them. Honestly, I do. However, they may not get me chapter 49. My eyes can only see so much right now on the computer screen because of water. But when I stumble and fall, please be the shoulder I need to hold on too.

So, I am going to stop and make this a quick one.

Bless you all,


One response to “Chapter 48”

  1. My shoulder is your shoulder anytime. Don’t ever lose hope. Hope in your case may seem like a futile exercise. The hope you offer others through your journey is indeed incredible and is something to be cherished If more of us cried, shared our deepest thoughts and were as appreciative of what we had and what we have; we would all live in a far better world.


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