Chapter 69


The four-wheels pull into my driveway at 7:30 (on time), not 7:29 or 7:31 every Monday morning.  The outside of the car is grey, and the interior is black with flashes of orange around the air vents.  The radio is tuned to a variety of stations from country to rock; just not to the rock station I love.  It is his car, and he is the commander of the wheel, so who cares what we listen to.

The salutations are usually the same as I open the door, “Hey buddy” and “’Thank you for inconveniencing your day.”

I need to be in the office by eight on Mondays of the week only, so 7:30 works for pickup. And although he must be in his place of employment between noon or later those days, he finds it not an issue or inconvenience.…he never says NO. I try to pay him, especially with gas prices out of control and he will not except it, simply saying, “It’s what friends do for one another.”

If you have not already read, I suffer seizures and as of now I can not drive until December.  Honestly, I do not want to drive anymore, because I never know when one (seizure) will come on and I potentially hurt someone else.  While the new medication is working (as of now) I am still apprehensive about getting behind the wheel.

We have fun chats about our or at least my former place of employment. He still works there and that is where we formed our friendship, Its surreal re-living old memories. Generations of what made TV News what it used to be and the good friends we made with one another.

The drive is 18 miles from door to door.

Many, many years ago, I suffered a sever back injury and you know who showed up to help me into the car and take me to the orthopedic doctor because I could not walk? Brian.

This is not a shame post (towards you) as I would guarantee ALL of you would do the same for me as well if you did not either live so far away or had other obligations.  Carpool and so forth.

The drive is one we pass through stop/go lights a few coffee shops a gas station, and a cinema no one longer visits. I tend to think I treated him right and he is now passing on his love for me. I always tried my best to treat you all like family, and I know you did with me as well. And if I didn’t, I am sorry, it was not my intention.

Although one instance while doing a live shot at the Denton Farm Park. It was around the Fourth of July an event that showcases tractors from every walk of life. It teaches us all about how the farmers work now to the past.

Anyway, in Denton I yelled at my reporter during our 11pm live-shot and told her, “I am never working with you again and I am quitting the next day!” I didn’t quit and worked well beyond that night. She at the time was being ‘bitchy’ and it pissed me off, does she still remember that interaction, odds are no. That was not a highlight of mine, yet one I still remember.

Next Monday is Labor Day and I do not need a ride, yet he texted me today asking if I needed a one? Only to tell him no, but Tuesday and Wednesday I do.  He simply replied, “I gotcha!”

Sometimes we are blind to our interactions with one another; no matter how small they might be, and we hopefully do it on a day-to-day basis. Those interactions we made in the past effect our future.  In actions and dependences.  We all make a difference on one another, feel the hurt during the bad times; but look back on the good and choose your path going into the future.

Tuesday I will look forward to that grey car pulling in and it will make me smile.

Thank You!

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