Chapter 103 20 Legs


You are blessed with the opportunity to pick three people (whomever you desire) to sit at your kitchen table with you and ‘break some bread.’

Whom do you choose and why?

Most will say lost loved ones, a favorite sports figure, a movie star, or Jesus.  If you choose a dead pet; I completely understand. They do not speak, so maybe a belly rub will have to do.

Me.  I only need 12 ‘legs’, and it is in no way Aaron.  Go FAR out aways…WAY more.  My choice would be Michelangelo.

The Sistine Chapel Ceiling complete and a true work of ART. MY BUCKET LIST! I would close my eyes as the sun set and as it rose, looking up towards the sky.

My most comfortable place (NOW) is when I lay in bed, no worldly problems and my body is at rest.

A brush, lots of paint and the ability in the 1500’s to create something so magical is fascinating.  That is why I only need 2 chairs (4 legs per piece) 8. And an average table with four legs = 12.

I would lay down and look up in amazement.  How did a human have so much incredible talent?

The horizontal position would comfort my body as I look at the beauty of it all, but my mind would be on the vertical passion/position of the Great Painter.

Personally, I cannot fathom the artistry it took to create it…and that is why he is my only guest at the table, because I want him all to myself; with zero interruptions from others.

Crazy, when you take the time to figure out your ‘Bucket List!’ Will the visit to the Vatican ever happen? Nope! Will my kitchen be greeted by, in my opinion the greatest painter of all time? NOPE, but one can dream, and I hope you dream as well.

Now tell that wacko therapist, who charges 100-bucks an hour “I (Steve) FOUND MY BUCKETLIST!”

-Chapter Number 2…The Bucket List.

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